For the 30th birthday of a friend of ours here in Monterosso (another American girl) we brought the best of both worlds to a beachfront surprise party held at the Stella Marina. We all cooked some food - a little Liguria, a little USA (think verdure ripiene and guacamole, or blue cheese walnut salad and focacce), had a classic, delicious two layer american birthday cake, and watched the sunset over the clouds hugging the hills over the other villages.
Liguria meets America. Focacce, torte salate, guacamole, blue cheese walnut salad, verdure ripiene... |
Thanks to Manuel's dad, Miky, I was able to get cilantro AND avocados for guacamole. Rocio would be proud. |
Davide, arriving in style to the birthday party on his boat. |
Paddleboarding, I swear I will learn this summer. Swear. |
Clouds over Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore - give this already magical area an etherial look. |
The other American girls who live here are more or less all from California, so maybe the beach, the sea, the sunsets are all in their blood - I don't know. Maybe it's because my time here has been so short. But I can't help taking at least 5 pictures a day of the same beautiful scene. Sunsets at beach birthday parties, or wispy clouds floating over neighboring Corniglia, paddleboarders squinting into the sun as they peacefully float out on the still Ligurian sea - it all seems so beautiful and so different every day, even though it's a photo taken from the same vantage point.
Great photo's Christine, I dont think you take to many photo's. it showes your heart for where you live, and for the great creation we share each day. Life is a journey of amazement and wounder, and when you stop taking photo's of the same thing it means we have lost our wounder and appriciation of how Blessed we are. so keep taking the photo's, and enjoying the gift you have of being albe to be Blessed with its Beauty. see you very soon. We leave Australia today and will arrive in Monterosso on the 4th. Blessins Denise