The "gli" is the hardest sound for me to pronounce in Italian. It comes out like a hard "glee" no matter what I do. Maybe it's this strange sound fixation that started my quest to explore the town of Camogli. When I pass it on the train, I spend the next ten minutes silently repeating, "CamoGLI. CAMOgli. CAM -O - GLI" until I realize that I've started whispering or speaking out loud and scaring all the nice Italian people next to me on the train. I told another friend, Lorenzo, about my desire to visit Camogli, and he smiled widely. "It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen", he beamed. This, coming from a Monterosso boy, is big praise. These little towns have more then their share of rivalry, and for someone to so heartily endorse a town not their own? Well, that sealed it.

So today Camogli it was. Cold, but

Whatever it is, Camogli is beautiful. Once called the "city of a thousand white sails", it's been an important spot on this stretch of Liguria since Napoleon. The boats still bob carefully

Camogli also has it's own castle (again with those pesky pirates) that is perched over the rocky cliff in the shadows of a centuies old cathedral, which was much more ornate then I expected. A cruise ship tour next to me is also responsible for this next piece of information - the stone circle designs in front of most churches in Liguria is to symbolize and remind worshipers of the moment that life comes and the moment that death comes to the body.
Life came to my body, however, in Camogli sitting in

The day was perfect, again, save for those cruise ship groups. I was mortified - honestly, completely embarrassed - as an American, listening to some of the conversations these people were having. The beaches were "gross" (not at all true), the pizza is better in Connecticut, and why-oh-why is everything so expensive?
If you don't want to try and experience it, stay on the cruise ship. Please. For my sake. Don't leave me shooting apologetic looks to shopkeepers, counter-people and old Italian women in your wake.
I get it - we're dependent on tourists here. But sometimes, even in Camogli, I wish I could choose which ones.

Fortunately, I found the worlds largest pan (or at least close) used to fashion a fish fry every summer on the town's feast day. I probably can't eat it, thanks to that shellfish allergy plaguing my life, but throw in a rummy flavored, gooey centered Camogliesi, and I'm there - cruise ship catastrophe or not, it was really the most beautiful place I've visited outside of my little home. And by next summer, I'm sure I'll have that "gli" down cold.
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